Woman in Venice Canal sexual assault declared brain dead, friend says

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One of two women attacked in the Venice Canals last month has been declared brain dead and will likely die from her injuries, her friend confirms to FOX 11. 

The suspect, Anthony Jones, was arrested five days later in San Diego. He faces several charges, including two counts of forcible rape, one count of sexual penetration by use of force, and one count of attempted murder. 

RELATED: Venice Canals assaults: Suspect accused of brutally attacking 2 women caught in San Diego

The two attacks happened April 6 when the two victims were walking near the Venice Canals area between 10 p.m. and midnight, according to authorities. 

Investigators said one of the victims was walking along the Venice Canals when suddenly, a man walked up behind her, hit her in the head with an object, and knocked her unconscious. The weapon used in the attack was believed to be a metal pipe.

A similar attack happened a short time later when the second victim was walking near the Sherman Canal. In that attack, detectives believe the suspect used a glass bottle to assault her.

RELATED:  Woman's mouth wired shut after brutal attack in Venice

The other victim, Mary Klein, had several teeth knocked out and her jaw wired shut as a result of her injuries. In an update May 20, Klein said she was "doing 100% better" and had not experienced seizures since her release from the hospital since May 6. 

Councilwoman Tracy Park released a statement that reads, "I am devastated to receive this news about the victim in the horrific Venice Canals attack. My prayers are with her family in this moment of loss, and I want to extend my condolences on behalf of the entire Venice and West Side communities. While nothing can reverse this terrible tragedy, I hope the families are able to feel solace knowing that the perpetrator of this crime has been apprehended and justice will be served."

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón also released a statement, saying "We are aware of the tragic circumstances surrounding one of the victims of last month’s brutal sexual assaults at the Venice Canals. Our hearts and deepest sympathies go out to the victim’s family and friends during this unimaginably difficult time. Our Office is evaluating how we will proceed to ensure the defendant is held fully accountable for his conduct."