Inauguration Day 2021: Everything you need to know

The inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is set to be a historic one with the COVID-19 pandemic and threats to the Capitol playing a vital role in the preparation. 

Turbulence shakes Democrats going into final debate of 2019

A deepening sense of volatility is settling over the Democratic Party's presidential primary election on the eve of the sixth and final debate of 2019. The seven candidates who remain are being forced to grapple with unprecedented distraction from Washington.

Trump visits Los Angeles

President Trump wrapped up a whirlwind tour in California with a stop at his golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes -- before that, a trip to US-Mexico border in Calexico, and then a fundraiser in Beverly Hills.

Trump visits US-Mexico border

President Trump says Mexico is doing better when it comes to stopping the flow of migrants trying to illegally enter the United States but he remains focused on building a border wall. Fox 11's Elex Michaelson reports near the border where both supporters and protestors were out in force.

Trump attends fundraiser in Beverly Hills

The President's visit to Los Angeles will be brief, lasting maybe six hours, but it comes at rush hour on a Friday. Fox 11's Hailey Winslow reports from Beverly Hills where President Trump is attending a fundraiser event.

Bernie Sanders in Los Angeles

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders brings his campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination to Los Angeles.