‘Text tax' vote canceled by California utilities panel after FCC ruling
(FOX NEWS) - The California Public Utilities Commission has withdrawn from its January meeting agenda a scheduled vote on imposing a tax on text messaging.
The move came after the Federal Communications Commission in Washington declared text messaging to be an "information service," not a telecommunications service, and thus not subject to a surcharge under California law.
"Prior to this FCC ruling," the CPUC wrote in a statement posted on Twitter, "text messaging was not a classified service under federal law.
"In light of the FCC's action," the statement added, "assigned Commissioner Carla J. Peterman has withdrawn from the CPUC's Jan. 10, 2019 Voting Meeting agenda the draft decision in Docket R.17-06-023, which proposed to clarify that text messaging service should be subject to the [state of California's[ statutory surcharge requirement."
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