Metro combats sexual harassment with 'Off Limits' campaign
(FOX 11) - Every six months, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has asked its passengers if they are enjoying the ride.
The questions are not just about whether the trip was bumpy. The last few surveys have asked about a different kind of discomfort, like unwanted sexual comments or contact.
Of 20,000 questionnaires, 18 percent of bus riders and 21 percent of train riders experienced some sort of sexual harassment. Approximately 7 percent reported groping or unwanted touching.
There were also reports of indecent exposure.
Model Cuidnay Johnson said guys have made comments to her like she "wears her pants nicely "or "her dress fits her well."
Cuidnay said she was okay with that because it was a compliment then added, "but if you're talking about specifically one part of my body, then that's not."
Katie Buskey has gotten more pointed comments.
"It's never been like where someone touched me because I feel like if someone saw that or saw someone approach, I believe other people would see that too and they would say something," Buskey said.
For a passenger to "say something" is exactly what Metro wants - and why it's pushing the "Off Limits" campaign.
METRO's Paul Gonzales said since the company started the campaign, the number of reports have gone up and the number of incidents have gone down.
If there are unwanted advances, Gonzales wants commuters to notify authorities who work on the platforms or call the Metro hotline at 1 (888) 950-SAFE.
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