LAPD officers search for suspects in fatal drive-by-shooting

Los Angeles police are searching for several men who were allegedly involved in a fatal drive-by shooting, evaded a police pursuit and fled on foot into a neighborhood in South Los Angeles.

The shooting took place about 3 a.m. near the intersection of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Normandie Avenue, said LAPD Sgt. Carlton Brown, watch commander at the LAPD's Southwest Division, and a videographer at the scene.

A man was killed in the shooting, Brown said. His name was not immediately released.

After the shooting, at least one LAPD patrol unit gave chase, Brown said. The chase ended near 46th Street and Budlong Avenue when the suspects fled into the neighborhood, according to Brown and the videographer.

The LAPD set up a search perimeter in the neighborhood and declared a citywide tactical alert, which means that officers can be held over beyond the end of their shifts.

The LAPD also brought in police dogs to assist in the search of the neighborhood around 46th Street and Budlong Avenue.

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