Kittens rescued from Blue Cut fire in need of new homes
GLENDALE, Calif. (FOX 11) - The Blue Cut fire that burned 58 square miles near the Blue Cut Hiking Trail in San Bernardino left many people and animals without homes.
Six kittens that survived were found burned and malnourished.
They are now being taken care of at Parkview Pet Clinic in Glendale as workers treat their infected wounds, burned paws and whiskers and other injuries.
The owner of the 6 kittens lost his home and has asked that they be given to new and loving families, according to a YouCaring page that was set up for the kittens.
A Facebook page has also been set up for the felines where photos and updates on their conditions are being shared.
The kittens, which are between 4-6 months old, will be available for adoption in Southern California only once they are fully recovered.
The Facebook page will be updated when the kittens are ready for their forever homes, according to the YouCaring page.
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