How the mosque shooting impacted local Islamic Center

It's 1:00 p.m. Friday in Los Angeles -- the same time and day it was in New Zealand when two of their mosques were the fullest for Jumma Service. It was a time for prayer; a time when New Zealanders at the mosques were deep in prayer and thought. A time when they were most vulnerable and least expecting an attack.

At the Islamic Center of Southern California people from all faiths gathered to show a strong sense of solidarity. They heard from a number of local leaders including LAPD Chief Michel Moore who said, "Today we have seen evil unearthed. Evil that was premeditated and inspired." Evil that brought congregants like Fatima Ali. But, not without trepidation. Says Ali, "I think that everyone was a little bit afraid to come to pray." She says she was afraid and thought it was possible someone could attack the mosque.

But, Moore came here hoping to assure everyone that, for the LAPD, "we will act swiftly and with certainty to protect all of our community."

He promised law enforcement will be visibly out in force around houses of worship for all religions this weekend and encouraged people to attend their mosques, synagogues and churches without fear.
Today, though, there were messages of love and anger. A Rabbi said, "I want to be very clear that this attack was perpetuated in the name of an ideology; the ideology of white supremacy."

The Mayor, the LA City Attorney and the area's councilman all showed up, but in the end when members of the Islamic Center of Southern California went to pray it was comfort from a higher authority they were seeking.