High School coach arrested for soliciting child pornography

Cole Austin Cazel, 22 years old, of San Juan Capistrano. (Orange County Sheriff's Department)

An offensive line coach for the San Juan Hills High School football team was arrested Wednesday for contacting minors and soliciting child pornography, the Orange County Sheriff's Department said.

Cole Austin Cazel, 22, of San Juan Capistrano has been a coach at the high school for four years, but because of his proximity and access to minors, detectives believe there may be additional victims.

The Sheriff's Department launched an investigation after receiving an anonymous tip about multiple students being allegedly victimized by Cazel.

Cazel is currently in custody at the Orange County Jail with bail set at $100,000.

The OC Sheriff's Department is asking anyone with information regarding possible additional victims, or with information that could help in the investigation, call the Sheriff's Department at 714-647-7419 or submit an anonymous tip to OC Crime Stoppers at 855-847-6227.