FOX 11 News In Depth: The state of hate in 2018

We assembled a group of religious/community leaders and the founders of the NoH8 campaign to discuss the state of hate in 2018. With the help of Cal State San Bernardino hate-crime law professor Brian Levin we explored where we are and what we need to do.


FOX 11 News IN DEPTH this week starts with a chilling look at the life of a child Holocaust survivor who escaped the Nazis at the age of four. Her story and her unbelievable family connection to the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School and the 1999 Granada Hills Jewish Community Center Shooting.

We also get our first thoughts from a panel that includes Levin, Rabbi Marvin Hier from the Wiesenthal Center, Pastor J. Edgar Boyd from LA's First AME Church, Anila Ali (founder of the Muslim Women's Empowerment Council), & Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley who founded the NoH8 campaign. We also hear from a reformed hater.


Kanye West's recent comments about slavery sparked a major flap in this country. TV's Dr. Phil accused the entertainer of empowering hate groups. Our panel weighs in on this.


We went to Santa Monica and asked people at this past week's farmers market what they thought of hate in this country in 2018. We also get some ideas from our panel on things we must do to combat hate.


What does it take to overcome hate? Some final thoughts on a very difficult subject.

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