Critically endangered bat pup defies odds

Unfortunately, Patty did not survive. To ensure the pup's survival, animal care staff is providing round-the-clock care until the pup is old enough to be introduced to the rest of the bat colony.

Hand raising this winged mammal is no easy task: It requires a very detailed regimen and lots of affection. The pup spends all of his time attached to a "sock mom" that mimics his mother. To properly regulate his body temperature and provide enough humidity to maintain pliable wings, the pup stays in a controlled incubator set between 85 and 89 degrees Fahrenheit, with 75 percent humidity. Animal care staff feed the youngster inside the incubator every two hours, and feedings can take up to 45 minutes. "He tends to fall asleep during his feedings," says Kimberly Millspaugh, senior animal keeper. "Sometimes he wants to play or just wants attention, so getting him to finish can be challenging." Careful feedings are required to avoid asphyxiation.