Couple adopts 7 kids, who are siblings, on top of the 10 they already have

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A Kansas couple has adopted seven siblings who otherwise may have been split up into different adoptive homes.

Lisa Fulbright and her husband, Gary, officially adopted the siblings on Wednesday afternoon.

Lisa spoke to Fox 35 and said that her and her husband decided to adopt the seven children because "we knew they more than likely would be separated into different adoptive homes." She continued, stating that she and Gary felt that "they needed each other and to stay together. The only way to do that was to adopt all seven of them."

Lisa and Gary were actually fostering the siblings prior to adopting them. She said that they have had the older five for almost two years and that they got the youngest two about a year ago. The oldest sibling is 12-years-old and the youngest is three-years-old.

Lisa said that fostering them has been tough sometimes but that her and Gary "love them all unconditionally." She also said that the kids are "worth it" and raising them "keeps both of us young."

The older kids reportedly told Lisa and Gary that they have never really been anywhere. So, the couple has taken the kids to several 'firsts,' including their first movie, their first time ice skating, and their first time bowling. Lisa said that "our big dream is to someday take them to Disney World!"

Lisa and Gary already have ten other children, including two adopted siblings and a young child that her and her husband had biologically. Now, with the additional seven siblings, they have a total of 17 kids. Seven of them are alreadly living out of their home though.

Lisa and Gary have spoken very highly of their seven new additions, saying that they are caring, helpful, sweet, and full of energy.

UPDATE (04/24): Since adopting these seven children, Lisa and Gary have launched a Facebook donation page to raise money for a visit to Walt Disney World.

This story was written out of Orlando, Florida.