Bars open early for Comey's testimony before Senate Intelligence Committee
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (FOX 11) - Bars opened bright and early Thursday to allow patrons to watch former FBI director James Comey testify before the Senate. Lauren Sivan went to Tom Bergin's Irish Bar on Fairfax Avenue to speak with patrons.
At 6 a.m., bar manager Joe Tower opened the doors of his iconic Irish bar 11 hours early.
"We started showing political programming during the election. For the debates and now for this. People want to watch it," Tower said.
By 7 a.m., the bar was filling up with patrons. Some had just got off a night shift, some woke up early to see the testimony happening on Capitol Hill while enjoying a Bloody Mary.
"I've been following politics a lot recently. I'm really eager to see what Comey has to say," said Bergin patron Tyle,r who was drinking an Irish Coffee.
No food was served, but these civic-minded day drinkers were welcomed to order in.
Tom Bergin's closed after testimony wrapped up around 10 a.m. before reopening at its usual time of 5 p.m.
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