Anaheim City Council places ban on short-term rentals
ANAHEIM, Calif. (FOX 11 / CNS) - Hundreds of Anaheim residents who rallied against short term rentals in their city showed up for a packed city council meeting.
"I came an extra two hours early, I'm not even in the door," resident, Teresa Gomez, said.
The line stretched around the building Wednesday night while inside the chambers there were no empty seats for this special session.
Council members are voting to either ban the Air BnB type rentals in the city or allow them to operate under stricter regulations.
"We didn't move into our neighborhoods to have big business come in and turn it into a resort area," homeowner, Michael Guerrero, said.
Many Anaheim residents argue the short term rentals or STR's are bringing down their neighborhoods.
A major complaint, noisy renters.
"I've got to get up at 6:00am to go to work, they don't take that into consideration," Gomez said. Right now the city has 363 permitted STR properties, mostly near the Disneyland area. Most landlords said they haven't had any problems with their renters.
"We want to be good neighbors we want to fit in and we want to do what we've always done which is welcome visitors to Disneyland," short term rental owner, Frances Noteboom, said.
"We are hoping that the city gives us this one year trial with these new regulations to see how it works," STR owner, Candy Beas, said.
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