64,000-gallon sewage spill shuts down 3 LA County beaches

Crews in Los Angeles County are dealing with a sticky situation after about 64,000 gallons of untreated sewage leaked onto several local beaches.

According to the county's announcement Wednesday, the sewage leak forced shutdowns of the following beaches in LA County:

The public is advised to avoid swimming or touching the wet sand in the aforementioned areas. 

The LA County Public Health explained the cause of the leak stemmed from a blocked main line causing sewage to enter the storm drain system at the corner of Admiralty Way and Palawan Way. County officials said in a press release that the blocks have been cleared and the immediate area has been cleaned.

Officials did not say when the beaches will reopen to the public. The county will conduct water sampling daily and will keep tabs on the bacteria level of the water.

Those looking to get more information on beach conditions can call the county closure hotline at 1-800-525-5662.

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