LA County seeks contempt hearing for Sheriff Villanueva, undersheriff

Attorneys for the county filed court papers asking a court to consider holding Sheriff Alex Villanueva and his undersheriff in contempt for allegedly ignoring subpoenas to appear before the Civilian Oversight Commission and testify about alleged deputy cliques.

LA County supervisors approve proposal enabling removal of sheriff

The LA County Board of Supervisors, which has repeatedly clashed with Sheriff Alex Villanueva on a variety of topics, directed its attorneys to draft a proposed ballot measure that would give the panel power to remove an elected sheriff from office for cause.

4th top official accuses LA Sheriff Villanueva of coverup

A fourth high-ranking official is set to file a lawsuit against LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, accusing him of a coverup in connection with the leaked jail video showing a deputy with his department kneeling on a handcuffed inmate's head.