Forum owners sue Inglewood over Clippers arena talks

Not everyone is onboard with the transformation of the City of Inglewood, self described Home of Champions. Residents who are part of Uplift Inglewood Coalition say the priorities should be people, not economic development.

In particular, they say enough is enough when it comes to new commercial projects at the expense of locals who are being squeezed out of homes and businesses.

They already have a refurbished Forum, the mega NFL Stadium and entertainment complex is under way, and there's a new Hollywood Park Casino down the road. Now come plans for a Clippers arena across Century.

Some told FOX 11 today, ''enough.'' "Homes not Arenas'' is the group's motto.

This all comes in the aftermath of the owners of the Forum suing the city of Inglewood over plans to construct that new arena on some 15 to 20 acres of land at the southeast corner of Prairie and Century.

The Forum's owners claim they were fraudulently induced by the Mayor, James Butts, into giving up the lease on that acreage, used for overflow Forum parking.

The lawsuit says Butts was pushing for a Silicon Valley type tech park, while secretly negotiating with the Clippers, in violation of the City's promises and legal obligations. Butts has denied violating any legal agreements, and has not yet commented on the fraud allegations despite multiple requests, nor have the Clippers responded.

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