Rivals spar with Trump on trust at GOP debate – but all vow to support nominee

Donald Trump's rivals teamed up at Thursday's Fox News Republican presidential debate in a concerted effort to cast him as a political salesman willing to say anything and take any position to win the nomination - but in the end, pledged to support the GOP nominee, even if it's Trump.

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all pledged to support the eventual nominee. And Trump, who has occasionally threatened to mount an independent bid, also vowed, "Yes, I will" support the nominee.

The moment of unity in Detroit was a break from the otherwise tense and personal debate. At other times, the Republican front-runner repeatedly was challenged, by the moderators and his rival candidates, on his alleged inconsistencies.

Trump defended his statements, one after another - for instance, saying "I changed my tune" from welcoming Middle East refugees to suggesting the U.S. can't take them, after learning new information.

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