Pepper spray, taser goes off in confrontation at Trump rally in Anaheim
ANAHEIM (FOX 11) - Dozens of pro-Trump protestors gathered in front of Anaheim City Hall in protest of a resolution criticizing the Republican presidential candidate that's set to be discussed in Tuesday night's meeting.
The pro-Trump rally got physical once anti-Trump supporters showed up. One woman brought pepper spray, and another one used a taser after an Anaheim City council woman put a resolution on the agenda condemning Trump statements--a resolution that may be illegal.
Here's a tense moment from the rally:
Pepper spray and a taser were both discharged between protestors as trump supporters and people who are anti-Trump shared harsh words with each other.
This pro-Trump rally was planned in front of city hall after people learned councilwoman Kris Murry put a resolution on tonight's agenda criticizing Donald Trump's language.
The councilwoman says trump has repeatedly attacked people of many races, religions, women , veterans, and religious leaders through his campaign.
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