Nicole Lapin Shares 5 Money Saving Tips
Watch the video to get details about each of these tips:
1. Don't open any new big lines of credit before you're thinking about refinancing or mortgaging a house.
2. Think about buying a car at the end of the month. If you're buying, buy used cars.
3. Negotiate all your bills once a year. Everything is negotiable (cable bills, utility bills, APR with credit cards, medical bills, etc)
4. Buy the big ticket items in April, since a lot of Japanese manufacturers have end of their fiscal year in March, and they're more willing to get rid of inventory then.
5. The best time to book flights is Tuesday at 12:00pm PT / 3:00pm ET. Most sales go out around that time, and it's when internet traffic is low. Also, don't book too far in advance: 45 for domestic flights and 60 days for international are great sweet spots.
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