Hugh O'Brian, star of "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp," dies at 91
HOLLYWOOD (CNS / FOX 11) - Flowers will be placed on the Hollywood Boulevard star of the late Hugh O'Brian Tuesday, one day after the actor died at the age of 91.
The flowers will be placed at 1 p.m., according to Ana Martinez of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. O'Brian's star is at 6613 Hollywood Blvd.
The star of television's "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp'' died Monday morning at his home in Beverly Hills.
O'Brian was a star of stage, film and television in the 1940s and '50s. His greatest fame came from playing the real-life western hero Wyatt Earp on the popular ABC series that ran from 1955-61.
He also appeared in John Wayne's final film, 1976's "The Shootist,'' in which he earned the distinction of playing the last character killed on screen by the legendary star.
But O'Brian's real legacy for many is the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation, the charity O'Brian started that sponsors more than 10,000 local and international high school students every year with opportunities to get training and experience in leadership and community service.
The idea was born when O'Brian visited Dr. Albert Schweitzer in Africa in 1958. The Nobel Peace Prize winner instilled in O'Brian his philosophy that the most important thing in life was education, and the actor was inspired to create his charity shortly thereafter.
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