Dog found with chemical burns now recovering in Palmdale clinic

If it weren't for the big green bandage covering most of his body and the burn marks on the top of his head and on his belly, you wouldn't know anything was wrong with him.

Max is a bundle of energy. All smiles and licks; his tail wag a constant. But at times you can see it, the pain in his eyes; a slight wince in his face, a sudden flinch when someone comes too close to his open wounds.

And it is all because of Max's encounter with evil personified.

It was August when animal control officers in San Bernardino found Max in the street. His body raw and bloody after someone poured acid down his back.


Word of Max's plight, he was on death's door step, quickly spread through the rescue community and Doggy Smiles Rescue stepped in to get him the medical care he desperately needed.

Adding to the heartbreak that is Max's story, he has a microchip but his owners reportedly told the shelter they "didn't want him anymore".


They also claimed they'd given Max away but they didn't know to who.


And no, they did not rush to his side when they found out he was seriously injured and no, according to the rescue, they haven't made a donation for his care either.


Max is now in the care of "Pets R Us" Veterinary Hospital in Palmdale and Doggy Smiles Rescue is paying for his care, along with the hundreds of people who are making donations to help.

Max's prognosis is good although the road to recovery will be a long one. Thankfully he's young and strong, a fighter and that has helped him survive. The rescue says they will eventually put him up for adoption.

As for the people who hurt him and let him down, and there appears to be plenty of them, they're out there somewhere.

And that's a scary thing.

For more information on Max and how to adopt him:

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