Cyclist frustrated over ‘sharrow lane' caught on video throwing punches at driver
HERMOSA BEACH, Calif. (FOX11) - A long time Hermosa Beach resident captured an argument between a motorist and cyclist on his cellphone and says, the sharrow lane might have started the whole thing.
What's a sharrow? That's the nick name for a shared lane marking. That means, cyclists can legally ride in the middle of the lane.
On Sunday, Chris Brown heard two people arguing down the block from his home in Hermosa Beach. That's when he noticed a cyclist yelling at a driver in a Prius. The driver pulled over and Brown, says he stayed cool, but the cyclist was yelling and got noticeably agitated.
"The cyclist screamed at him, you didn't give me the full three feet. The driver just looked at him dumbfounded." Brown said.
Three feet refers to the California law which requires motorists to keep their vehicle three feet away from any part of a bicycle.
Perhaps, the cyclist was educating the driver about a law he was unfamiliar, but Brown was amazed what he did next.
"The cyclist threw down his bike and approached the driver. He started pushing him and wildly throwing punches. He was a little off balance, because he was still wearing the cycling shoes on the street."
After a few punches, the driver called police.
Sgt. Robert Higgins says they haven't decided whether someone will wind up in trouble. "This is one of the cases where it's mutual bad behavior. How it got to that point, we're not 100% sure. But it ended with both of them acting poorly, " he said.
Brown says he's a cyclist too, but thinks the sharrow lanes make the cyclist feel entitled to more than common sense would allow.
We have not yet heard from the two men involved in the incident.