Wednesday's Child: Lluvia is a smart, athletic teen hoping to join a forever home team

Smart, athletic and with her sights set on college, Lluvia is a teen in foster care who’d love to be a part of an adoptive family for life!  

With Lluvia being an avid soccer player and fan of the LAFC, it seemed fitting to learn a little more about Lluvia while spending some time at the Nectar Training Center, home of the LAFC!

Lluvia (b. 2005) got to watch her favorite team at practice and – to her delight – also got a little one-on-one time with some of them to chat and show off her own soccer skills. The team's right-back Ryan Hollingshead and defensive midfielder Ilie Sánchez were on deck to facilitate this memorable experience and to invite Lluvia to a game. 

In between the fancy footwork, Lluvia shared some more about herself. 

Soccer has been part of Lluvia’s life since she was a little girl and she still enjoys it.  But Lluvia currently has her eyes on other goals – such as finding permanency as part of a forever family and going to college.  Lluvia is also considering exploring the option of joining the military to help pay for her education, and has indicated that a career in the medical field – perhaps even becoming a pediatrician someday – sounds appealing to her.

Lluvia is bilingual (English/Spanish) and is open to families of all constellations. Lluvia gets that family isn’t just until one turns 18 or 21, and she wants to find those with whom she can build a lifetime connection as family. 

If you are seeking to add a teen to your family line-up and think that Lluvia might just be the warm, open and engaging teen you’re looking for, please tune in to Wednesday’s Child and then call 1-866-921-ADOPT (2367) to learn more about adopting.