Quick Look: iPhone 6s, New Features

Having just launched a little over three days ago, the iPhone is already seeing seriously strong sales. With that, we figured there might be more than just a few of you still waiting to get your hands on the latest from the folks at the Cupertino, CA tech giant. Maybe you're waiting on your contract to be up? Or you're still saving up?

The only problem, you may be asking yourself if the latest iPhone is worth the upgrade*. You'll have to wait for our full review to get an in-depth look at the device. But if your money is burning a hole in your pocket as you try to assess whether it's worth it for you to upgrade, we took a moment to show you just a few of the new features of the iPhone 6s to try to help inform your decision. Be on the lookout for our full review which will go through 4k video, a finer look at the new, higher resolution front-facing camera, those new Live Photos and more!

In this video, our Tech Ninja Tshaka Armstrong takes you through the new 3D Touch interface, the new 5 megapixel front-facing camera and "selfie flash." In addition, he shows you some of the new updated apps that work with 3D Touch. If you have any questions about the phone or iOS 9, you can leave them in the comments on the YouTube video and he may include them in the full review.

*If you're thinking of leaving your carrier and wondering who has the best deal, read this article here for our coverage of what the various carriers are doing to try to get you to switch and establish service with them!

Disclosure: Verizon provided us with a demo unit for the purpose of this review.