LA tops list of most traffic-clogged cities in the world

When it comes to getting stuck in traffic on the way to and from work, Los Angeles leads the world.

Transportation analytics firm Inrix says drivers in the car-crazy California metropolis spent 104 hours last year in congestion. That beat second-place Moscow at 91 hours and third-place New York at 89.

Inrix says the U.S. had half of the top 10 most congested cities in the world.

The U.S. was the most traffic-clogged developed country with drivers nationwide averaging 42 hours stuck in traffic last year.

San Francisco was the fourth-most congested city, while Bogota, Colombia, was fifth. Sao Paulo, London, Atlanta, Paris and Miami rounded out the top 10.

Traffic jams cost drivers in the U.S. nearly $300 billion last year, or an average of $1,400 each, Inrix said.

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