Couple expecting 2 baby boys, 3 weeks apart

When celebrity makeup artist Toby Fleischman and her partner decided to start a family, it made sense Fleischman would try to conceive first. Fleischman, now 41, was seven years older than her wife, Lindsay Lanciault.

But after Fleischman had trouble conceiving, Lanciault, a speech pathologist, began trying, too. And now, to their great surprise, the LA couple, married for three years, are both expecting, Redbook reports.

Their boys--"twinblings"--are due this summer only three weeks apart. The couple's journey was a "definitely surreal experience," Fleischman tells the Huffington Post. "Everyone always says they want to get pregnant with their best friend and I just happened to be lucky enough to be married to mine," Fleischman wrote on Instagram in a post with a photo of their twin bumps--and Shih Tzu, Lemon--that has gotten more than 2,300 likes.

Despite being "elated" now, the journey took a toll on the couple's relationship. After Fleischman began trying to get pregnant in August 2015, she suffered a miscarriage and then medical complications arose.

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