CJ Stroud Foundation donates to California family of 9 displaced by fire and on their last motel voucher

The CJ Stroud Foundation left a donation in hopes to helping Rita Zadsden, a grandmother tasked with raising seven grandchildren and an adult son with autism. The donation comes after FOX 11 shared a story Monday of Zadsden's family of nine facing homelessness as they were on their final motel voucher.

A housefire from two months ago displaced Zadsden and the family made their way to Victorville to briefly stay with a relative – only to realize the home wasn't big enough to support everyone. The local community group "Victorville Community Helping Hands" stepped in to help "Ms. Rita" with food, clothing and Christmas presents for the kids, but December 19 marked the family's motel checkout date.

In comes the NFL star's mother, Kimberly Stroud. Stroud was packing for a trip to Houston – where her son CJ is preparing for a Texans home game against the Cleveland Browns – when she caught FOX 11's story on Zadsden and was inspired to pitch in. 

"It just touched my heart," Kimberly Stroud said. "Seeing all those beautiful children and beautiful Rita. Just being a single mom at one point myself and knowing how hard it is… I stopped what I was doing and got online and made sure I checked the link to see how I can help.

Kimberly, who started the foundation on behalf of CJ, left money on Victorville Community Helping Hand's Janette Mejia's active GoFundMe page in hopes of helping Ms. Rita.

CJ Stroud's rise to stardom with both the Ohio State Buckeyes and Houston Texans hasn't always been easy to say the least.  CJ's dad and Kimberly's then-husband Coleridge was sentenced to prison in Northern California after he was involved in a drug-related incident. Kimberly said she raised CJ and his siblings by herself from when he was 12 years old and into adulthood, inspiring the Texans star to work with low-income families and children of incarcerated parents.

"We're here to help," Kimberly said of the foundation. "And so when I [saw] the story, this is what we're about."

Those looking to get more information on the GoFundMe can click here. Those looking to learn more about the CJ Stroud Foundation can click here.