Wildfire survivor visits SFFD to thank firefighters who saved his, others' homes

A Southern California fire survivor is in the Bay Area with a mission.

Eugene Kwok thanked the San Francisco firefighters who saved his home and those of his neighbors.

Kwok visited Fire Station 25 in the city's Bayview neighborhood, where the crew came from, to express his gratitude and credited the firefighters for helping to save 17 homes on his block.

He wanted them to know their efforts during this difficult time when the fire left a trail of destruction are making a difference.

"Our whole block would have burned down if it weren't for them.  By the time they could get to our block, four houses had already burned down," said Kwok.

He is an employee of FOX Entertainment, which shares the same parent company as KTVU.

Kwok said he wasn't home at the time, but that, thanks to the firefighters, his home is still standing. Because his home has smoke damage, it's uninhabitable.

"Having the house not burn down is a big emotional difference," said Kwok.

He made the trip up to the Bay Area to visit his mother in the Peninsula, where he grew up, and to show his gratitude to the San Francisco Fire Department.

Fire Chief Dean Crispen thanked Kwok for visiting the station and praised fire crews for their kindness and compassion.

Firefighters had left personal notes to let victims know what belongings they found in their homes.  

"The performance of our members has been exemplary," said Crispen.  

Fire officials gifted Kwok with Station 25 gear.

Fire Captain Jonathan Baxter said the department is touched by Kwok's visit and gratitude, saying, "I was really uplifted by his enthusiasm of how his community is going to rebuild together as well."  

Baxter said at one point, San Francisco had 41 firefighters in Southern California and that crew members who saved Kwok's home and those of his neighbors are still there.

"It's a horrible disaster, but we also experience a lot of human kindness," said Kwok. "I'm in a better position than so many thousands of people whose houses burned to the ground."  

Baxter said there are still 22 firefighters from San Francisco in Southern California and that there's no date as to when they'll come home.

As for Kwok, he's grateful to the firefighters for making his and his neighbors' journey to recovery easier.

Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU. Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU, Instagram @AmberKTVU or Twitter @AmberKTVU
