Sec. Of State John Kerry gives trade, security speech in downtown LA
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (FOX 11 / CNS) - Secretary of State John Kerry delivered what's being called a "major foreign policy address" in downtown Los Angeles Tuesday, one day after the end of the G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Hiroshima, Japan.
Kerry appeared before the Pacific Council on International Policy to discuss the national security opportunities of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, said Council President
and CEO Jerrold D. Green.
"Those of us in Los Angeles and on the West Coast are key brokers of the U.S. relationships in the world, and we believe deeply in the importance of U.S. global engagement," Green said. "We are honored to host Secretary Kerry for this special event to address one of the top issues on the current global agenda."
Los Angeles leaders in finance, law, entertainment, non-profit and academia attended the event.
On Monday, Kerry joined the other foreign ministers in touring Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Museum.
"It is a stunning display," said Kerry, the first secretary of state to visit the city. "It is a gut-wrenching display. It tugs at all of your sensibilities as a human being.
"It reminds everybody of the extraordinary complexity of choices in war and of what war does to people, to communities, to countries, to the world.
This was a display that I will personally never forget. I don't see how anyone could forget the images, the evidence, and the recreations of what happened on August 6, 1945. "
Going through this museum was a reminder of the depth of obligation that every single one of us in public life carries -- in fact, every person in position of responsibility carries -- to work for peace ... to create and pursue a world free from nuclear weapons."
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