Man arrested for stabbing 2-year old girl, mother in domestic dispute

A man was in custody Tuesday for the critical stabbing of his live-in girlfriend and the fatal stabbing of her 2-year-old daughter in their home in the Jefferson Park area of Los Angeles, authorities said.

The attack in the 3500 block of Arlington Avenue took place about 9:50p.m. Monday, said Sgt. Carlton Brown, the watch commander at the Los Angeles Police Department's Southwest Division.

Lataz Gray, 22, was booked on suspicion of murder and attempted murder and was being held without bail, said LAPD Officer Drake Madison.

The little girl died from her stab wounds, Brown said. Her name was not immediately released. Her mother underwent surgery and was last reported to be stable.

It was not known if the suspect was the child's father, according to police, who said the attack occurred during a domestic dispute.

At a news conference Tuesday morning, police said the suspect's father provided information that led to the arrest.

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