Record number of travelers expected on the road and in the sky this holiday period

Holiday travel in So Cal hitting record levels. According to AAA, most drivers say they're not being deterred by prices at the pump.

At a Chevron station in Burbank, a gallon of unleaded gas is three dollars 89 cents. That's about 75 cents higher than last year at this time.

But the prices at the pump aren't putting a damper on 4th of July travel. According to AAA, $3.4 million people in Southern California are expected to travel this holiday week, a new record.

We are anticipating a more than 5 percent increase in the overall travel volume this Independence Day and it will be the most on record since AAA started collecting this data 18 years ago. Said Spokesperson, Doug Shupe.

A fuel efficient car helps Maari Hummasti from Rancho Cucamonga endure her daily 100 mile round trip. "That's why I got a fuel efficient car because I think it's important." Said Hummasti.

David Petty drives a classic truck and laughed off the gas guzzler. "You've got a gas guzzler here, it only gets 10 miles to the gallon." Laughed Petty.

But for local comedian Nolan Pearson, the pain at the pump is no laughing matter. "It's a 95, it runs great but it's not fuel efficient." Said Pearson.

And while some like Pearson are staying local, the Automobile Club explained why so many others are catching the travel bug. "People feel more confident about the economy... They have more disposable income to spend of travel and also with the fourth of July falling in the middle of the week that's giving more people flexibility in their travel plans. " said Shupe.

Plans that for Pearson include trying to find alternatives."You're interviewing people buying gas! I'm not gonna start making it at home! Walking getting my steps in." Pearson laughed.

Of the 3.4 million travelers this Independence Day, AAA says 2.6 million will go by car and 435,000 will fly.

The top places folks are headed; San Diego, Vegas and San Francisco.