Powerball According to Hal Eisner

Okay … so I didn't win. Oh, you didn't get the $900 million dollar jackpot Saturday either? I know you didn't. No one did. That's why the Powerball prize for Wednesday is so high that the display signs in stores that sell lottery tickets can't show it. It's 1.4 BILLION dollars. The signs max out at 999 MILLION dollars. Guess no one thought the prize could get so high.

So, let's say you win it all. No splits… just YOU! What do you do? Well, maybe you'll need a psychiatrist to help you with your instant change of life. After all, you're suddenly going to have relatives you never knew you had before. 1.4 BILLION is a game changer in anyone's life. It's a life changer!

If it's me you're likely going to need to hire a bodyguard. Limos will be a must. A gated mansion will be high on the list. You don't want anyone to get into your home which also means electric fences.

Okay, maybe I'm going a little overboard. And, I'm not going to win anyway. But, as a member of the media I can tell you that you are likely to need a publicist and celebrity publicist Roger Neal agrees.

In fact, he says he's available. He's repped celebs like Shari Belafonte, Kevin Dobson, Paul Sorvino, Tim Conway, Renee Taylor, singer Lee Greenwood, Bob Hope, Frankie Avalon, Helen Reddy… the list goes on and on. He says if you are suddenly a BILLIONaire you'll be barraged by interview request and a publicist will be your gatekeeper to make sure you get the best ones.

I would humbly request that if you win 1.4 BILLION dollars please give ME the exclusive interview.

Thank you :) Your Pal Hal