Elevated levels of Chromium 6 found near Compton businesses, owners push back

Elevated levels of the carcinogen known as Chromium 6 were found near several metal finishing businesses in Compton after a nearly two month investigation by air quality officials.

Chromium 6, also known as hexavalent chromium, is a known carcinogen to humans, and could cause certain types of cancers if exposed to it over a long period of time.

In June and July, South Coast Air Quality Management District representatives took readings from several monitors placed around the businesses.

The readings revealed elevated levels of Chromium 6 particularly along Euclid Avenue.

The report can be found here.

At a town hall on Wednesday, business owners pushed back against the results, demanding to know how AQMD could be certain their businesses were the source of the chromium with winds coming in from the west, and how elevated readings were detected on Sundays when the businesses weren't in operation.

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