Bernie Sanders supporters march downtown
LOS ANGELES, CA (CNS) - Police advised the public to expect delays around downtown Los Angeles Saturday afternoon as workers and families who support Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders will hold a march and rally to commemorate International Workers' Day and the 10th anniversary of El Gran
Par Estadounidense.
"We expect some ( traffic delays) depending upon the march and rally. We (also) expect some rolling street closures," said Officer Norma Eisenman of the LAPD's Media Relations Section. "Go to the Department of Transportation's website. They should be posting street closures."
Although Sanders supporters have at times clashed with supporters of GOP front-runner Donald Trump, Eisenman said police do not expect a repeat of the clashes and arrests that took place at Thursday's Trump rally in Costa Mesa.
"We don't expect any violence. It's (today's march and rally) a whole different thing," she said.
Eisenman said Sanders supporters are expected to start forming their march about 2 p.m. and begin the actual march at 3 p.m. on Main Street/Olympic Boulevard and end at City Hall, 200 N. Spring St. The rally is expected to begin at 6 p.m.
International Workers' Day is celebrated to promote and encourage international labor associations. El Gran Paro Estadounidense -- Spanish for the "Great American Strike" -- was a one-day boycott of United States schools and businesses by immigrants in America, of mostly Latin American origin, that took place on May 1, 2006.
The date was chosen by boycott organizers to coincide with May Day, the International Workers Day.
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