Alhambra woman chases burglary suspects with bat

18-year-old Davone Garrett, 19-year-old Agoin Boyd and 20-year-old Ramire Blue are behind bars after Alhambra Police say they tried forcing themselves into a woman's home in broad daylight Thursday afternoon.

According to police, the woman heard them in her detached laundry room on Front Street.

They then tried pushing their way through a window in their home.

The 20-something year old woman grabbed a baseball bat like this and started pounding it to scare the men.
It worked.

The woman called 9-1-1 and described their SUV.

Police caught them about a mile away near the 10 Freeway where they lead the officer on a seven mile chase.

Police say the men finally pulled over and were taken into custody without a struggle. They're booked on suspicion of burglary and bail is set at 50 thousand dollars.

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