$90M worth of liquid meth found in semi-truck fuel tank in North Carolina

North Carolina deputies seized a tractor-trailer containing $90.8 million worth of liquid methamphetamine in the driver's side fuel tank, WTVD reports.

Raul Topete Arreola, 49, and Aquileo Perez Pineda, 48, were arrested Saturday and charged with three counts of trafficking methamphetamine, according to the Harnett County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators found 120 gallons of liquid meth in the truck's tank, WTVD reported, citing Harnett County Sheriff Wayne Coats. That amount reportedly equates to 454 kilograms of crystal meth.

Both men were being held at the county jail on a $3 million bond, sheriff's office records showed.

An immigration detainer was issued for Pineda and immigration officials with ICE were trying to determine Arreola's current immigration status, according to WTVD.