WATCH: Fearless cat fights off coyote in Altadena
ALTADENA, Calif. (FOX 11) - A homeowner in Altadena was surprised to find that a cat, probably belonging to a neighbor, had fought off a coyote in their driveway in the middle of the night, and it was all caught on video.
The video, posted to the Ring Neighbor's app, shows the cat swiping at the coyote and scaring it off, though the coyote tries a couple more times to walk past the cat.
The cat continued to protect the home.
According to the company, Ring's motion sensing technology initiated HD video recording as soon as the animals stepped onto the property and sent a notification to the homeowner's mobile device. The homeowner shared the video to the free Neighbors app by Ring, which used to help Neighbors stay up to date on local crime and safety information.
According to the homeowner, the cat is okay and was not harmed.