The Issue Is: Ro Khanna, Chris Matthews

This week on "The Issue Is," Elex Michaelson is joined by Congressman Ro Khanna (D-Calif.). 

Khanna, of Silicon Valley, discusses efforts to regulate artificial intelligence via a new council of industry leaders, ethicists, and other. Khanna also discusses the continuing summer of strikes, his efforts with Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace to expand childcare coverage, and he gives his thoughts on the 2024 Presidential Election, where he thinks, that despite public concerns over President Biden's age, Biden will see voters rally to him in 2024.

Chris Matthews, the political commentator and former "Hardball" host, is less sure of Biden's chances. 

Matthews says that current close polling suggests presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump could take rust belt states that he carried in 2016, such as Pennsylvania. 

Outside of Biden and Trump, Matthews also discusses political chatter about tensions between Gov. Newsom (D-CA) and Vice President Harris. All this, before looking back at the old "Hardball College Tour," which back in the day was attended by the likes of Pete Buttigieg, Vivek Ramaswamy, and our very own Elex Michaelson.

The Issue Is: with Elex Michaelson is California's only statewide political show. For showtimes and more information, go to