Service dog saves sleeping boy with type 1 diabetes

A loyal service dog saved his 7-year-old ward when the boy's blood sugar levels dropped quickly while he was sleeping.
In a Facebook post that's gained over 330,000 likes, mom Dorrie Nuttal shared the story and a photo of the dog, black Labrador Jedi guarding over her son, Luke, who has type 1 diabetes.
"This is a picture of Jedi saving his boy. Saving him from highs and lows and from ever feeling alone," Dorrie wrote in the March 3 post.
This may just look like a dog, a sleeping boy and a number on a screen, but this, this moment right here is so much...
Five minutes before the photo was taken, Dorrie wrote, the family was asleep. Then Jedi jumped on and off the bed where Luke, 7, was sleeping and lay on Dorrie until she woke up. Jedi then bowed--his alert that Luke's glucose was too low.