Police officer reunites with boy he saved from drowing, 19 years later

It's been 19 years since Officer James Poole saved the life of a 5-year-old boy after he was under water at a hotel pool in Columbus, Ohio. Chris Jones, the boy who is now 24, recognized the name "Officer Poole" on a Columbus Division Police Facebook post, and wrote on the police's Facebook wall, "I think that's the Officer Poole who saved my life."

Chris then got in tough with the police department, and so did Officer Poole -- both wanting to meet each other after seeing Chris' comment. Chris also wanted his 5-year-old daughter to meet the man who saved his life.

With cameras rolling on Friday, September 16 for what Officer Poole thought was an interview on his job as at the police department, he was surprised when Chris tapped on his shoulder and reunited with him for the first time in 19 years.

The Columbus Police Department then released the video and some photos on their Facebook page.

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