Covered California 2018 rates to increase by 12.5%
(FOX 11) - People who get their health insurance from Covered California are now learning what rates they'll be paying next year.
The state's insurance exchange say that on average, customers will pay 12.5 percent more next year.
In addition, Anthem Blue Cross will no longer do business in Southern California.
That insurer is pulling out of 16 of 19 regions where it currently does business.
The delay in announcing the rates was the result of the ongoing fight over repealing the Affordable Care Act.
And while state health officials celebrated the defeat of Obamacare repeal, they say they're still concerned about the program's fate.
The president has threatened to stop billions of dollars in government payments to insurers.
State officials say they're making contingency plans-- in case that happens.
And some legal experts say such a move by the administration could backfire by handing the health insurance industry a solid legal case against the government.
Insurance plans for next year will be available for purchase in California between Nov. 1 and Jan 31.
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