California Cities Pressured To Step Up To Slash Water Use By 25 Percent

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Gov. Jerry Brown has called for a mandatory 25 percent cut in urban water use compared with 2013. The State Water Resources Control Board will start discussing how to enforce that at a meeting Tuesday.

Cities will likely receive conservation targets based on how much water their residents already use. Some, such as the wealthy coastal community of Newport Beach, are already planning how they'll step up.

The city's water savings have been half the state average. Newport Beach plans to start fining people who water lawns on the wrong day and use too much water.

It previously imposed a four-day-a-week watering schedule and limited the number of times pools could be refilled.

From Mario Ramirez:

On the heels of Gov. Jerry Brown's statewide Executive order mandating urban areas cut water use 25% by early 2016, the Metropolitan Water District plans to ration water to its Southland districts.

The MWD, which imports water from Northern California and the Colorado River, is expected to vote on cuts to its 26 water districts and cities next week. The cuts won't take effect until July 1 and could range from 10% to 20%. At most, the Metropolitan Water District estimates that will cut back water usage by 800,000 homes in one year.

The water rationing will have an affect on local water agencies serviced by MWD. The water supplier plans to slash water deliveries by up to 400,000 acre-feet and impose surcharges of nearly $3,000 for every acre foot of water used in excess. An acre foot of water supplies two homes for one year.

Tuesday the Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners will meet to discuss a report on the state water supply outlook.