Wednesday's Child: Sweet and caring Raelene would love a forever home

There was the popping room where it all begins: dedicated workers producing their signature favorites like Caramel Corn, Cheddar Cheese and of course their popular “Zebra® Popcorn."

We can’t show you every step of the process, as they are trade secrets. But, Raelene got special access to follow the production line under supervision; to see, hear, smell and taste the popcorns. The tour ended at the test kitchen where Raelene made some of her own favorites like the “Unicorn Popcorn®” by hand as well as a soon-to-be released flavors.

A true blue Dodger fan she is; Raelene is a little disappointed that her favorite team did not make it further into the playoffs this year. Raelene plays softball, loves to run and is interested in participating in cheerleading. She does well in school after overcoming some academic challenges in the past. She’s focused on attending UCLA someday.

She hopes to be not just any social worker, but specifically a Children’s Social Worker with DCFS!!

She appreciates the strong modeling from her social worker team. She wants to help children recover from trauma and be able to navigate the system well. She is looking for role models in the ultimate form; a forever family with dedicated, loving, supportive and committed parents.

Raelene is very easy to talk to, very open-minded and caring. She is optimistic that a great forever family is out there for her and looking forward to building those very sweet and binding connections. Tune in to Wednesday’s Child and then call to learn more about adoption at 1-866-921-ADOPT (2367).