WATCH: NYC subway rider gives shirt off his back to shivering man

A compassionate man on the NYC subway gave his shirt and hat to a shivering, uncovered man on a cold night.

Miren este Video Wow 󾌺󾍁󾮖🏻 Este hombre se merese muchas bendisiones por la buena accion que Hizo 󾍛🏻 Dios Lo bendiga amen☺️ y aPrendan 󾭻 y Lo hizo sin esperar nada acambio 󾮞🏼󾮞🏼☺️ nesesitamos más personas como el 󾭈 SI ALGUIEN LO CONOSE ETIQuETELO 󾔯 󾍛🏻󾌡 God bless him

Video of the selfless act was captured by Facebook user Lazaro Nolasco and went viral, picking up more than 8 million views since it was uploaded Friday.

"The guy didn't have a shirt on," Nolasco told the Daily News. "His body looked sick."

"The guy did a good deed, so I wanted to record it," he added. "I would tell him, 'God bless him.' That was thoughtful."

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