Time's 2017 Person of the Year shortlist includes President Trump, Colin Kaepernick, Kim Jong Un

(FOX NEWS) - Time unveiled the 10 finalists in the running to be named 2017 Person of the Year, which included President Trump, Colin Kaepernick, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
The shortlist was announced on NBC's "Today" show on Monday and the finalists were selected by Time editors, the publication said. The shortlist also included Chinese President Xi Jinping, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, The #MeToo movement, "Wonder Woman" director Patty Jenkins, Dreamers (undocumented immigrants eligible to the Obama-era's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
Many of the names listed have been surrounded by controversy this year. Kaepernick was the topic of discussion after the NFL anthem kneeling controversy escalated when the president chimed in. The #MeToo movement gained traction after a slew of prominent Hollywood figures were accused of sexual misconduct.
Speculation over who will be granted the title began in late November after Trump tweeted he "took a pass" on being "Man (person) of the Year" because the magazine wanted a photoshoot and interview.
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