San Francisco sees mudslides, flooded homes

Water was seen cascading down a staircase inside a house in San Francisco’s Bayview District.

Major flooding on Le Conte Avenue damaged several homes. They were red-tagged, leaving residents without a place to stay on New Year’s Eve.

"It’s definitely a hard way to start the New Year but we’re going to do the best we can," said Jeremy Jacquot, who lives on the street.

Jacquot took us inside to see the damage. Neighbors said rain runoff from the hillside behind their homes flooded their yards and patios.

"Because there was a bit of a landslide, all of the dirt came down and blocked all the gutters so the water really had nowhere to go," said neighbor Heba Williams.

Video shared by the San Francisco Fire Department shows several feet of standing water against a sliding glass door.

"One of the firefighters says she was in waist-deep water," said Captain Jonathan Baxter. "We had to get creative with the families and in some of these houses we used sandbags to create a river from the backyard down the staircases to the front door."

ALSO: Multiple Bay Area cities with flooding conditions, road closures, power outages, & evacuations

"In all the sadness this brings, we are lucky to have neighbors who are all here for each other. Everyone went into each other's homes, we all know each other.>

Torrential rains drenched the city, causing flooding, toppling trees, and triggering mudslides.

There was a mudslide near the main gate of Bernal Heights. Another slide blocked lanes along the Great Highway near Sea Cliff.

On Cesar Chavez Street, some drivers ignored the flooding and the road closure. One driver in a small Honda had to be rescued by firefighters after his car got stuck and started floating.

Firefighters say they responded to hundreds of calls throughout the day. There are no reports of any storm-related injuries or deaths in San Francisco.

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