Headaches, rashes and respiratory problems during major cleanup at landfill in Huntington Beach
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (FOX 11) - Headaches, stomach aches, rashes, and respiratory problems are just some of the issues some Huntington Beach residents say they're experiencing while cleanup takes place at the defunct ASCON landfill.
Signs warn residents of the dangerous chemicals being housed at the ASCON landfill but some say it's the current work being done there to remove those chemicals that are causing problems.
Nancy Buchoc lives across the street from the landfill and says she watches dust particles go up in the air when the wind conditions change.
"I actually had a visceral reaction to the digging that started about 12 weeks ago. I actually got sick to my stomach," said resident Richard Fancher. "It sure is a weird coincidence that after 25 years of living in the same house I know am feeling ill after the exact same amount of time that they started their deep dig."
And it's not just the adults they are worried about. It's the thousands of students at Edison High School, which is across the street from the landfill. Some residents say those students are being exposed to the chemicals being unearthed.
On Monday, dozens of people shared their stories with the Huntington Beach City Council hoping they will be able to do something to stop the cleanup of the landfill.
The city says it plans to hold a town hall meeting on Thursday, June 6 at 6 p.m.to address concerns. Calls placed to the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, one of the agencies monitoring the cleanup, have not yet been returned.