Christmas cocktails to survive your in-laws
LOS ANGELES - Here are our top 3 holiday drink recipes. At least one of these is guaranteed to impress your mother in law. And if you drink all three, you'll finally tell her how you really feel. Cheers!
1. GINgerbread Hot Chocolate
Step 1: Make the gingerbread hot chocolate. The Food Network has you covered on the specifics:
"Combine the milk, cocoa powder, sugar, molasses, ginger, cinnamon nutmeg and allspice in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar, cocoa powder and spices are dissolved and the milk is steaming, about 5 minutes. Do not let the mixture come to a boil. Whisk in the chopped chocolate a little at a time until smooth. Divide among 6 to 8 mugs and garnish with whipped cream and mini marshmallows."
Step 2: Add gin
2. Spiced Wine
Step 1: Buy cheap wine
Step 2: Add "whole spices, citrus, brandy, and cider."
Step 3: Simmer on stove or slow cooker.
3. Hot Buttered Rum
Step 1: Pour the following into a glass:
2.5 oz bourbon
1 tsp lemon juice
6 oz sparkling apple pomegranate cider (Martinelli's make this)
1/2 tablespoon pomegranate seeds
Step 2: Bottoms up!
As always, drink responsibly. And good luck with your mother-in-law! Watch the video above to see the best ways to cope with a hangover!