Beverly Hills City Council approves draft ordinance prohibiting sale of tobacco in city on 2021

The Beverly Hills City Council voted unanimously to recommend banning the sale of tobacco products beginning on Jan. 1, 2021.

The decision follows public input and recommendations from the city's Health and Safety Commission at Tuesday's meeting.

"This reflects the values of our community," said Mayor John Mirisch. "We are a City that has taken the lead on restricting smoking and promoting public health. Somebody has to be first, so let it be us."

Under the proposed ordinance, cigar lounges will be exempt, hotels may only sell tobacco products to guests through concierge services, all other tobacco retailers like gas stations and convenience stores will not sell tobacco products starting in 2021, and the City Council will revisit the ordinance again in three years from the effective date.

The first reading of the ordinance and formal City Council vote will take place on May 21, 2019 with a second reading and final vote expected on June 4, 2019.

For more information on current tobacco regulations in Beverly Hills, visit