VIDEO: 2 hikers, 2 dogs rescued after becoming stuck in icy Mt. Baldy terrain

Two people and their dogs were rescued after they became stuck in steep icy terrain during a hike in the Mt. Baldy area in San Bernardino County over the weekend, officials said.

On Saturday, Dec. 17, 34-year-old Janelle Rasich and 35-year-old Joseph Rasich were attempting to hike and get back on a trail when they slid an estimated 20 feet, according to officials with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.  The trail is located east of Islip Saddle in the Angeles National Forest. The two managed to stop their slide, remained in place, and were able to call 911 using their cell phones.

SBSD helicopter,40-KING-1, used the provided GPS coordinates to locate the couple. Due to the steep terrain, crews used the assistance of an additional sheriff’s helicopter, Air Rescue 306.

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Rescue crews then had to be hoisted below the hikers and eventually, both hikers and their dogs were placed into rescue harnesses, one hiker and one dog at a time.

Thankfully, no injuries were reported.

San Bernardino County